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Spring has well and truly spring and April is one of the busiest months for gardeners to get to grips with their pride and joy! There are lots of jobs that need doing in April and to ensure you don’t forget any of the important ones, we’ve detailed the ones we know you won’t want to miss.

“April is a key month in any keen gardener’s calendar so any help or reminders are greatly received,” said Denhan Guaranteed Rent. “If you forget a detail or two now, then your garden won’t be looking its best when you want it to and you might miss out on harvesting your favourite fruits or vegetables later in the year.”

Look after Your Lawn

April is the perfect time to take care of your lawn. If you need to sow a complete lawn, or just touch up some bare patches then go ahead and get to work this month. Doing this in April gives the seeds enough time take hold and make the most of the right mixture of weather to ensure they grow and give you a nice, bright lawn to enjoy through the summer months.

Remember though, that grass seeds need plenty of moisture to encourage even and healthy growth. So, if the spring is a bit drier than your lawn needs, supplement that with some light sprays of water a couple of times a day in the first two weeks after you’ve sown your grass seeds.

Vegetable and Fruit Seeds Can Be Sown Straight into the Soil

Grass seeds are far from the only seeds that need to be sown during the month of April. Whether you’re the owner of an established vegetable patch, or are growing some veggies for the first time, now is the time to get those seeds planted in the ground.

Vegetable seeds that can go straight into the outside soil in April include:

  • Artichokes
  • Beetroot
  • Broad Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Parsnips
  • Carrots
  • Radish
  • Spring Onions
  • Swede

Of course, there are more, but we feel this is a good list to get you started. The majority of fruit seeds will benefit from being planted under glass or indoors in smaller pots before being transplanted outside once the weather warms up a bit more in May.

“For those of you who enjoy growing your own produce, April is a great month in which to select your preferred crop and find the best spot for them,” said M&M Property, Newington Green estate agent. ”Gardening can be a very enjoyable past time as well as one that encourages you to eat healthily, too.”

Get to Work on Summer Bloomers

Now that your Spring flowers have bloomed, you’ll want to make sure you have an equally impressive summer bloom for your garden too. It will require plenty of work over the coming months, but by putting some hard work in during April you’re giving your flower seeds the best start.

Lilies, gladiolus and rannunculus can all be planted directly into your flower beds during April to ensure a bright and blooming summer. But, now is also the time to maintain and keep an eye on your other bulbs and flowers. You’ll need to feed your rose bushes, tie any clematis or honeysuckle so they grow and climb where you want them to and not where they choose to go. Now is also the time to deadhead your daffodils and tulips to promote re-growth next Spring.

“Preparing for a beautiful and flowerful summer isn’t for the faint hearted and as April arrives, so do a lot of gardening jobs that you just can’t afford to put off,” said Plaza Estates, Knightsbridge estate agent. “What can seem like a lot of effort now will most definitely pay off during the summer when you’re not only complemented on your garden, but enjoying the fruits of your labours during the harvest, too.”